Luke’s Gospel Account

scripture This semester we will continue the Gospel According to Luke at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

While there is no charge for the course, we will begin each session with a psalm from the eBook Psalms as Personal Prayer, so it would be good to have it downloaded with you (see If you would prefer to do extra study via a commentary, Collegeville has a good one (see

We will meet in the Education Building (at the side entrance next to St. Vincent de Paul) on Wednesday mornings after Mass from 9:30 to 11:00 am. Please contact me (772-932-7969 or to let me know your attendance.

Class Materials

  • Download the eBook Psalms as Personal Prayer, which is available from either Apple iTunes or Kindle Reader (see below). This translation will be used as our opening prayer for the class.
  • Bring your tablet/iPad, smartphone, or laptop with the eBook downloaded. Unfamiliar with eBooks? Assistance will be provided in class.
  • Bibles (New American Bible [NAB] translation) are available in the classroom; bring yours if you prefer.


Education Building, St. Christopher Parish
Wednesday mornings after Mass (9:30 – 11:00 am)

Course Calendar*

Week of Discussion Preparational Reading
January 8Introduction to the GospelseBook on Apple iTunes
eBook for Kindle Reader
January 15Baptism as BeginningLuke 3–4
January 22Early MinistryLuke 5–6
January 29Healings & John BaptistLuke 7–8
February 5Discipleship TrainingLuke 9–10
February 12Prayer & TeachingLuke 10–11
February 19TeachingsLuke 11–12
February 26HealingsLuke 13–14
March 5ParablesLuke 15–16
March 19Check back
March 26 

* Dates / topics subject to adjustment.